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2007 Master of Arts, postgraduate study of Video and New Media,
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.
1998 Academic Painter,
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.
1992 Graphic Designer,
The Secondary School for Design and Photography, Ljubljana.



Faculty of Design, Associated member of University of Primorska (lecturer on Video in Design, Computer Aid in Design and Motion Graphics in Design); Secondary School for Design and Photography (lecturer on Video and New Media).



National Pride (with Zoran Srdić Janežič), DLUL Gallery, Ljubljana; Selected Paintings, SIJ – Slovenska industrija jekla, Ljubljana; Remove my name from the text (with Kristina Hočevar), three way artist book, Institute of Arts Gulag; The Empire Strikes Back & Forward (with Zoran Srdić Janežič), Zgodovinski atrij, Ljubljana Town Hall; The Book of Numbers, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana; Love for sale / Tango, Velenje Museum, SI; Love for sale, Ganes Pratt Gallery, Ljubljana, (cat.); Paintings, Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana; Paintings, Krka Gallery, Novo mesto, SI (cat.); Untitled, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica, SI (cat.); Polaroids / Honey Moon (with Nataša Košmerl), Photon Gallery, Ljubljana; Say hello to my new family, Kulturni center Janeza Trdine, Novo mesto, (cat.); Cats' Fixation Points, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, (cat.); Pictus ex Capite - XXX, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana; 14°31'E 46°02'N, Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto; Portraits, Mladinski center Velenje, (cat.)



Salon ZDSLU 2017, Narodni muzej Ljubljana (cat.); Inside semiosis – Arbitrarität in wort und alltag / Arbitrarnost v besedi in v vsakdanu, Pavelhaus, Bad Radkersburg; Arbitrarnost v besedi in v vsakdanu, Galerija Vodnikove domačije Ljubljana; Better Doggy Style Than No Style, Mestna galerija Ljubljana (cat.); Interruption / 30. Graphic Biennial, MGLC Ljubljana (cat.); 20 for 15, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana; We Want To Be Free As The Fathers Were, MGLC Ljubljana (cat.); What's happening? Stereo exhibition, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica (cat.); Tehnologije v likovni umetnosti, Velenje Gallery (cat.); Arhipelag, various locations, Nova Gorica; Down the Rabbit Hole, Ganes Pratt Gallery, Ljubljana & Likovni salon Celje, SI; The Oscillation, XX.9.12 FABRIKArte, Piombino Dese, Italy; Immateriell, ATELIERFRANKFURT, Frankfurt, Germany; La Génie des Jardins, La Galerie, Paris, France; Festival dnevi poezije in vina, Medana 2015, Vipolže Castle, SI; Young Slovene Artists 05, Gallery Space Sakaide, Japan; Sakaide Art Grand Prix 2005, Sakaide Civic Art Museum, Japan; Kunst Verbindet, Das Slowenische Wissenschaftsinstitut, Vienna, Austria; 8 Young Slovenian Artists, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica & Eurocenter Ljubljana (cat.); The Metropolitan Iconography, Slovenian Arts Center, 25th Biennial Sao Paulo, Brazil (cat.); The Metropolitan Iconography, Bežigrajska Gallery 2, Ljubljana; Revisions. Painting70+90, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana (cat.).


2015 -2017          VIDEO Shotokan, after poem by Peter Semolič, Institute for Arts Gulag

Screenings: Pocket Theater Studio Ljubljana; Rijeka in Ljubljana / Poiesis, Hostel Celica Ljubljana; 100. Mlade rime, Menza pri koritu, AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana; Layer House Kranj, SI; Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2015, Fort St Elmo, Valletta, Malta.


2015 – 2017        VIDEO as part of stage design

Little Red Riding Hood, directed by Zoran Srdić Janežič, Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana; Gazela 2015, 7 different locations around Slovenia.


2014 – 2017        VIDEO performances

Illuminations 1.1+1.2, Glavni trg Kranj; Illuminations 1.0, Svetlobna gverila, Novi trg, Ljubljana; Connected Poetry #2, ŠKUC, Ljubljana; Connected Poetry, Menza pri koritu, AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana; There’s drama in the urban sounds: Emona calling, where are you Ljubljana?, ŠKUC, Ljubljana, (cat.); There’s drama in the urban sounds, Layer House Kranj.


2011 – 2013        LAYAR – mobile app, intervention presentations:

Atlas, Solkan, Galerija Dimenzija napredka, Nova Gorica, (cat.); Atlas, intervention, 55. Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy; Atlas, Design In The City And Design Expo, Gospodarsko razstavišče, Ljubljana (cat.); Atlas, intervention, dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, Germany; Mnemonic Mirrors, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia; Atlas, CUK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana.


2007 – 2014        VIDEO Three Doors:

Screenings & Shows: Video et gaudeo, ZDSLU Ljubljana; La Génie des Jardins, La Galerie, Paris, France; Die Neuen Namen, GAD Berlin, Germany; NODES: Smart Exhibition, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Germany; Freeze, MKL Graz, Austria; Untitled: New Media and Video, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano, Italy.


2006 – 2007        VIDEO Me V(isual) S(ound) You:

Screenings & Shows: Appendix3: Visual Sound, LED-display projections, Ljubljana; Kuenstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany; Festival Musica Experimento, Rome, Italy; Videoart Festival Miden, Kalamata, Greece; Videominuto Festival 2007, Luigi Pecci Museum for Contemporary Art, Florence-Prato, Italy; International Short Film Festival, Detmold, Germany; Visual Sound - Sortir de la ville, Goethe Institute, Dakar, Senegal; 12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07, Muzeum Narodowym, Wroclaw, Poland; Festival Musica Experimento, Rome; Insa Art Space of the Arts Council Korea, Seoul, South Korea.


2004 – 2008        VIDEO Cats' Fixation Points

Screenings & Shows: Cats' Fixation Points, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana (cat.); Hic et nunc, San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy (cat.); Video Dia Loghi 08, Torino, Italy (cat.).


2001 – 2004        VIDEO 14°31'E 46°02'N

Screenings & Shows: 14°31'E 46°02'N, Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto; Slovene Way, Villa Serena, Bologna, Italy (cat.); My Body Is My Business, FA221, UMBC, Baltimore, Md., USA; Farewell To Video, Club Gromka, Ljubljana; Avtokino Barje, Highway A2 Resting place, SI.


2006 – 2007        VIDEO Medena tedna:

Screenings: Festival Isola Cinema 3, Izola (cat.); Polaroids / Medena tedna (with Nataša Košmerl), Photon Gallery, Ljubljana.


2007 – 2008        INTERACTIVE PROJECT Plain Forms:

Shows: Festival of Video and New Media 1.3, Mestna galerija Ljubljana (cat.); Enter/tain, SC Gallery, Zagreb; Oscillation, XX.9.12 FABRIKArte, Piombino Dese, Italy; Immateriell, ATELIERFRANKFURT, Frankfurt, Germany.


2006 – 2007        INTERACTIVE PROJECT Archaios xenê:

Shows: 12th International Festival of Computer Arts, Mestna galerija Ljubljana (cat.), MAMA Gallery, Zagreb; Algorithms of Inclusion, O3one Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia; Artnetlab projects, Spomeniškovarstveni center, Ljubljana.


2005 – 2007        INTERACTIVE PROJECT Feeling Highway:

Shows: 11th International Festival of Computer Arts, Stari rotovž, Maribor, SI (cat.), MAMA Gallery, Zagreb; Artnetlab Projects, Spomeniškovarstveni center, Ljubljana; ALUO UL 2007 Annual Exhibition, Mestna galerija Ljubljana (cat.).


2003 – 2017        FILM & VIDEO EDITING (selection)

Oder, short film (still in post-production), directed by Luka Kos; Promo video for The Faculty of Design; Theater Bar/Alteration, video, directed by Viktor Bernik; Slikarstvo prihodnosti, video, directed by Arjan Pregl; Vse se spremeni, band Posodi mi jürja; Slovenska Gazela Project (co-production of GV / Dnevnik, Kapelica Gallery) and over 100 video posts for local TV stations DTV, Studio Signal, GeaTV and VPK Post-Production Studios.


1999 - 2017         DESIGN (selection) Triennial of Contemporary Slovenian Art U3, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana; Corporate Identity for Slovenian Table-Tennis Association with additional material.


Born on 7th June 1973 in Ljubljana, SI.

He studied painting at The Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana (ALUO UL), where he graduated in 2003. In 2004 he received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia for post-graduate studies in Video and New Media at ALUO UL, where he was awarded his MA in 2007.

Throughout his works (mostly they are paintings and videos) he tries to shift the attention with every new project into something new. As it is seen through portfolio (which is only selected material), he has been experimenting his way around as a painter, video artist, VJ, interactive installation artist, video editor (on almost every imaginable subject – working on TV), professor of video, graphic designer, restorer, and many more, which all took some adjusting and of course consequently had some necessary impact on his professional life.

Since there exists a thorough insight into his (painterly) characteristics, which he is fortunate enough to have, let us give way to a written passage, which best describes his work. The text is focused on the painterly views, but could without any difficulties be translated into the other fields of artistic communication as well.

“His early paintings were formally based on two starting points. The first was represented by painting practices that combine motifs that are impossible to combine with various painting manners; this practice can be linked to the paintings of James Rosenquist, Gerhard Richter, Sigmar Polke and David Salle. The second starting point was based on his studies of experimental video. As a result the various possibilities offered by video editing, image sampling, overlaying, underlying and transition become characteristic of his painting.

Both practices – let us bring to mind Polke’s almost alchemist research of the painting materials and the artistic characteristic of images that can be created by the unusual use of video production tools – offer one of the possible responses to the question as to why Krnc is so keen to experiment. At first Krnc researched the various manners of painting, printing and creating collages on canvass; at the same time he also experimented with the various materials that he used for his paintings, from canvas, paper and artificial materials, until he came across printing stereotypes in 2006 – since then metal sheet has been his base of choice.

The visual world of Krnc’ paintings is created from elements that emerge from an endless archive of images. Every work is an open allegory that can be read by the viewer, but never truly translated into a story. Within this world the abstract is represented by concrete, previously existing motifs in a sensually understood form. The motifs can be recognized and we can feel that the painting is addressing us, but this is not a narrative that can be explained in words. Krnc’ painting is a combination of a metal sheet, an adopted motif, its primary origin, lacquered paper, a starting point for a story, sensuality, a polished surface, a feeling, texture and paint all rolled into one. All of this takes place simultaneously and nothing entirely overcomes the other. The viewer’s glance sees all of this at the same time and it seems that one can sensually perceive it all simultaneously; however he cannot put it into words. This is a painting that employs narration and not a conceptual narration in which the visualized is utilized by a statement.” (from Petja Grafenauer, The visual strikes back. Catalogue: Love for sale, Ganes Pratt Gallery 2010)

Paintings, video works and interactive installations exhibited in Austria, Brazil, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Malta, Poland, Senegal, Serbia, South Korea, USA and Slovenia.

From 2007 onward self-employed culture worker.

Lives and works in Ljubljana.

© 2018 Gorazd Krnc

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